Every Time


 Everytime I look at you,
 Everytime we hold each other,
It is as if it is the first time.
When we meet,
When I first saw you,
I could feel the air,
Flowing between us,
It was electrifing,

I couldn’t take my eyes from you,
Your gaze sent shock waves
To my soul!

I keep trying to look at other things,
To think of anything but you,
But, my mind and eyes,
Keep returning to you,
My breath keep catching,
My heart keep jumping,
Every time we parted,
I had to see you again,

No matter how sick I was,
No matter what,
I had to see you,
I had to feel that energy
Flowing between us once again.
Now –
Everytime I look at you,
Everytime I think of you,
My breath catches,
My heart Jumps,
It is like the first time I saw you!


Author: From The Beak of a Hawk

I am Trinton “TrinityHawk” Garrett, I am a guy just like every other guy. I run two businesses a freelance art business where I create Multimedia art and Indie book covers. I also am a writer of short stories, poetry, and and have been published in different alternative magazines. I suffer of chronic pain aliment Fibromyalgia and Lower back issue, as well as, a few other life time and past trails I have had to face which have made me stronger and I won't say made my life a better life, because that is all BS, but it has made me wiser. I try to use all these experiences to educate people in order to prevent the younger generation from having to suffer with and through as much. https://www.facebook.com/Trinton.TrinityHawk http://society6.com/trintongarrett

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