“Kill The Zombie”

"Kill The Zombie"
“Kill The Zombie”

“Kill The Zombie”

I read today that the show Walking Dead has a saying: “Fight the Dead Fear the Living” This partly what inspired this digital enhanced Photograph.

Zombies can only be killed by burning them or cutting of their heads, or so I have been told. So, with in the photo I am burning the zombie. Yet, he is reaching out to me with pain in his eyes, begging me to stop. How could this be possible? I have always been told Zombies have no brain. I have always believed, that with no brain they can not feel pain, they can not think, they can not beg for mercy! They are an abomination! They must be cleansed from this Earth!

Wait! What if a Zombie has feelings? What if when you went to burn s/he begin to beg you to stop that the fire burned him/her because s/he truly did feel the pain from the fire? Then what?

This was my take on this digital photo, for those who Bully others and Gay Bash do so because they are ignorant! They do so because of “What they have been told” “What they believe”…those who are ignorant to diversity around them or to the fact that those who are gay are no different then anyone else except that they love another of the same gender.

Those who bully or gay bash truly go on “what they believe” because of what they have been told through the church, by their family, or through gossip, etc. Then they react out of fear, hate, ignorance – they cause pain and do it with a deaf ear, a blind eye to that which is being told to them by the one they are hurting..

So, this is how I came up with the idea for my digital enhanced photo.

Lets work together to Stop the silence…Stop bullying and gay bashing….think for yourself…learn that we are all the same human beings who are diverse people living on the same Earth. Lets find peace!

Author: From The Beak of a Hawk

I am Trinton “TrinityHawk” Garrett, I am a guy just like every other guy. I run two businesses a freelance art business where I create Multimedia art and Indie book covers. I also am a writer of short stories, poetry, and and have been published in different alternative magazines. I suffer of chronic pain aliment Fibromyalgia and Lower back issue, as well as, a few other life time and past trails I have had to face which have made me stronger and I won't say made my life a better life, because that is all BS, but it has made me wiser. I try to use all these experiences to educate people in order to prevent the younger generation from having to suffer with and through as much. https://www.facebook.com/Trinton.TrinityHawk http://society6.com/trintongarrett

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