Michael Phillip Cash Give Away

Have you ever watched those home shows where they have bought a dilapidated house and turned it into a show piece? It is certainly fascinating to watch. However, what if one of those houses has former ghost inhabitants that just do not want to leave? 

Author Michael Phillip Cash’s newest book, The Flip is all about a house flip going terribly wrong.

“Julie and Brad Evans are house flippers. They buy low, clean out the old occupants junk, and try to make a profit. Enter Hemmings House on Bedlam Street in scenic Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. Too good a deal to pass up, but with an ominous secret. The old Victorian Mansion has dwellers that do not want to be dispossessed. As the house reveals it’s past, will the couples marriage survive The Flip?”
I read this book already and I can tell you myself that it is a fantastic book that will keep you at the edge of your set. This isn’t my normal genre but I love house flipping shows, and I have read a couple of Michael Phillip Cash’s other books, so I decided to give it a try and I am really glad I did! I couldn’t book this book down. Every time I thought I had the story line figured out I was wrong. Even at the end there was a twist that caught me by surprise!

Just in time for Memorial Day weekend and looking toward the Summer,  Michael Phillip Cash wants to introduce The Flip to the world at large. The author is generously giving a great and fun prize pack that will set the winner up right for Summer fun in the sun.

One winner will receive all of the following:

*A copy of his book, The Flip

*A screen printed beach towel
*A bottle of sunscreen
*A tote to hold it all
*$100 Paypal cash

Would you like to win this great prize? All you have to do is enter in the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!

Where you can find Michael Phillip Cash:


Rules and disclosure:
This giveaway has been arranged and promoted by Away We Go MediaYOUR BLOG HERE was asked to promote this great giveaway on behalf of Michael Phillip Cash. No monetary compensation was given or received for this promotion.

There will be one winner for this giveaway picked at random by Rafflecopter.org. Winner must be at least 18 years of age to enter and have a Paypal account. 
Winner must respond with full mailing address and Paypal account information within 48 hours of an email sent or forfeit prize.

The giveaway will be from May 25, 2014 at 12 AM MST-June 9, 2014 12 AM MST
The giveaway is open to U.S. only.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

What do you want from your relationship with God?

via What do you want from your relationship with God?.

What do you want from your relationship with God? This is a line I saw when I was looking through my email today. This question could be asked in a different manner and confuse so many people but really mean the same thing. What do you want from your own spiritual  path?  Your own spiritual self?

Many different religious practices play the childish game, he loves me more than he does you, When in truth the being who is called God, for the sake of this writing, is all loving and loves no one person, no one religious sic any more than the other. After all was it not, Christ who bent down and washed the foot of his own mother and covered a prostitute with his own body to keep her from being stoned?

In my opinion these different religions need to study their own writings and teachings, because each one are based on the same foundation of “rules”, and belief system. I found a while back it really comes down to what it is YOU want to get out of your own relationship with  your own spiritual self and that connection you have with yourself and the faith that you have with the path you walk.

Am I saying there is no greater being to worry about? NO I am not saying that.  For many it is God, others a Goddess, for some Great Spirit/Mystery and so many other names.  I was taught that there is ONE true beloved one and this great being can take any form for s/he is great light of infinity. S/he will take on the form you believe him/her to be and that you pray too.  So, again what do YOU want to get out of your connection to your own spiritual self and spiritual path?

Another aspect to look at is, we are a bit of the great one, so to learn what it is we want form our own spiritual self and spiritual path, we are learning what it is we want from him/her and our relationship with him/her.  Does the bible not say: God created mankind in his own image?   Then to build a relationship with our own spiritual self we are building a relationship with him/her. It isn’t even the Christan path that believes oneness with their creator:  Muslims teaches the oneness of Allah. Wiccans believe that we are apart of everything around us and that our god and goddess is also all around us, so again to build a relationship with ourselves we are building a relationship with him/her.

For me, what do I see as wanting from my own spiritual self, spiritual path?  Will what I decided a long time ago and the reason I started studying religions and to be ordained is because, I want to transform myself into a will balanced spiritual being, one that is grounded in the world around me, one that is intuned to my family and friends.  I want to be intuned to nature and the animals my creator blessed this Earth with, I want to be intuned with our Mother the Earth.  It sometimes hurts really bad this day and age to be so intuned to all these things because so many people are so careless with our gifts that the creator gives to us, but then I just remember to be so intuned to myself and to these gifts I am being intuned to my Father and I am growing my relationship with him and with our Mother.

I have been asked before if it causes a conflict in me to study so many different religions and my answer is no, how could it?  If one concentrate on those things that is truly important and not on those things that are not, such as greed, vanity, “no other religions are right, except ours” then how can any religion be wrong?  For all religions teach the basic rules: Love thy neighbor as you would yourself, Respect all living creatures, Thou shall not lie/steal from thy fellow humankind. These might not be written as “commandments in each religion but they are taught as basic foundations with in each religion. Again, how can one be confused when studying them all if they follow the basic rules of life and of the greatest being of us all?

With this in mind I close today’s blog:  Much Love and Respect to one and all my friends!


Astrology Throw Pillows Coming Your Way!!!


As I stated in one of the previous posts I have a lot of new things in the works.  One of them is an online store where I can sell my art work as everyday products, such as: Throw Pillows, Clocks, Shower Curtains, Etc.

Some of the designs are Astrology Pillows – Prints – Shower Curtains – Phone Cases/skins – Lap top skins – Ipad cases/skins – Clocks and more at my store: http://society6.com/TrintonGarrett Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, and Gemini at this time more to come.

I am working on Leo now, so Leo will be posted sometime today or tomorrow.  If you would like to have another astrology sign posted soon send me a message and let me know and I get to it as quickly as I can.  First come first serve.  But all of them WILL be posted eventually.

scopionpillow tauruspillow

Below are just a couple more examples of what is available:  “Fuzzy Wuzzy Vamp Hoddie (all products here in this blog are also available as other products), and a Tardis starry night clock.

fuzzywuzzyhoodie tardisclock

Straight From The Hawk’s Beak

babydolcprlGood afternoon ladies and gents – it has been awhile again, but 2014 has had a busy beginning, as I stated in the last blog entry: “Lots of Changes” which I posted on January 8th. I am taking online courses to improve my photography and Photoshop skills and as I stated in the last blog I am moving out of the studio space I have been in for almost 3 years and that move will be finalized as of next week. The last of my belongings, backdrops, display items, etc will be moved out.

As of next week, hopefully, I will be completely ready to start this next phase in my life. I have already had two new photo shoots (as you can see from the photo to the left) which I am spending a lot of time editing the pictures. Plus, I have updated my web store. Please, feel free to go have a look around and leave me comments.

I also have a bit of brand new exciting news to share as of TODAY actually:

We received an invite today to become a member of University Heights Arts Association – Trinton (myself) owner of TrinityHawk Photography & Multimedia and all of us here, are very honored and graciously accepted. We will be sending in our membership fee ASAP. If you are interested in knowing more about this wonderful Association you may check out their Facebook page here.

UHAA  is an association of resident artists, writers and performers to represent the University Heights Neighborhood, Buffalo NY –

An association of resident artists, writers and performers who will:
1) develop a cohesive plan to expand public art initiatives in the University Heights Neighborhood
2) oversee the public artistic ventures of the University Heights Neighborhood
3) promote artists who live here
4) integrate the University Heights art scene/community into the greater Western New York art community where appropriate

Moving On Up as the saying goes!!!

Baby Announcment

Now on a more personal note:

Also, my daughter will has entered her 2nd trimester of pregnancy so things are getting a wee bit easier on her and she is starting to show, which is exciting. In February I will get to go in with her to see the baby on thttps://transhawk.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post-new.phphe sonogram and hear the lil – grandbug (as I am calling her/him) heart beat. I am very much looking forward to this experience! We already have pictures and I will get these scanned in and posted soon. But until I can get the actual picture uploaded below is the baby announcement I created for her and her fiancee using the sonogram picture of the baby.

Below is an announcement I created for my Heart daughter and her husband with the birth of their lovely little girl. – I am so blessed. Busy but blessed, with such a wonderful family that is growing.  Plus, such wonderful followers as you.  Thank you from myself and all of us here at TrinityHawk Photography & Multimedia.  One last bit of information before closing out this blog for today.   If you want to keep up with TrinityHawk Photography & Multimedia and the short ins and outs of what is going on you can do so here.

So, until next time – keep creating  – peace and blessings to one and all!


Please come check it out!

I have been busy with a back injury but also with two sites that will hopefully make some money in around about way of getting my art noticed.  AS my blog is not getting even a single donation (there is a donation button to the right).  I also sell ad space for $5 a spot that includes the ad being created for you.

But, until then =  Please feel free to click the link (s) and cruise my art sites I am working on to show of my variety of art work.  Don’t hesitate to leave a comment or two.




Unscheduled Absence & Some Truth Telling:

Unscheduled Absence & Some Truth Telling:

I want to apologize for being missing in action for so long – I have been dealing with some medical issues and some family issues which have kept me from posting.  

I have been working on a few art pieces and a few filters when I have been able – those long sleepless nights – while sitting letting my mind go over issues, worries (which I know worries only borrow trouble) and trying to calm the pain which has decided to rack my body the past few weeks. 

When I am overwhelmed with so much I sometimes forget where to turn and start to spiral downwards. Today, this morning as I was doing my “make the bed – sit down and breath, let the pain subside – vacuum one room – sit down and breath, and let the pain subside etc..on and on –  It came to me that my ancestors did this when they were hurt many years ago.  Yet, they added one more step that I have forgotten to add in my daily routine – to help my recharging and healing.

Reach out to the great power – study what my greater power would do in a time like this (or have me do).  Find time to be spiritual.

What do Buddha’s teachings say about great times of pain and suffering?   He teach us that during great times of suffering we are working our way towards ending that suffering or we can wallow in the suffering.  There are 8 steps in ending the suffering.

1. Right View. The right way to think about life is to see the world through the eyes of the Buddha–with wisdom and compassion.

I myself, must admit I am having some problems with this first step, more so then I have in a long time. I am really struggling with looking at the world through Buddha’s eyes with Wisdom and Compassion.  I see the world full of Hatred and Greed.  Human’s that are Greedy, Ugly Individualistic Beings.

2. Right Thought. We are what we think. Clear and kind thoughts build good, strong characters.

Due to struggling with 1.  – 2. is also a struggle. I am generally a very positive thinker, very passive and straight forward person.  Think of what you want your outcome to be and work towards it.   Yet, do to my struggling with the first step in this focus –  this 2. step has started to faultier and I am losing my hope and dreams in all my passion in life.

3. Right Speech. By speaking kind and helpful words, we are respected and trusted by everyone.

*smile* – I do this still but it is, in all honesty, a mask.  But, a well practiced mask.

4. Right Conduct. No matter what we say, others know us from the way we behave. Before we criticize others, we should first see what we do ourselves.

This is not a problem generally – even now.  I try really hard not to criticize others.  For I feel their decisions and path are their choosing, not mine.    Even if I am feeling as I am now, and I feel a remark near the front of my mouth, I bite my tongue and say not what my mind says. For it is not my place, I have had to many people criticize me be it their place or not.

5. Right Livelihood. This means choosing a job that does not hurt others. The Buddha said, “Do not earn your living by harming others. Do not seek happiness by making others unhappy.”

*chuckle* – will this by any means is not a problem.  I am not working and that which I have chosen for a job seems to be the butt of everyone’s joke.

6. Right Effort. A worthwhile life means doing our best at all times and having good will toward others. This also means not wasting effort on things that harm ourselves and others.

I have tried to live this step for awhile now – giving and giving and giving and this is what lead me back to step one feeling the way I do.   I am drained!  I like to give and see the joy of those who truly appreciate it.  Yet, even they do not truly know how to give back in kind so that my energy is not depleted.  My family suffers finical, physically because everyone EXPECTS  good old T to do it for free!  To be the good ol boy!  Even those who do not know me all that well.  Those who say they are my friends and get all up in airs when “others” do the exact same thing.  Then they will turn around and ask for “favors”, for “help”  all out of the name of “friendship”.  Yet if I did such a thing I would be expected to pay for the service or they wouldn’t have the time.   So, perhaps I haven’t learned what “The Right Effort” is yet?

7. Right Mindfulness. This means being aware of our thoughts, words, and deeds.

I suppose I am learning this all over again.  I thought I knew what this was and practiced it.  But looking over the upper numbers in these lessons – perhaps I do not.

8. Right Concentration. Focus on one thought or object at a time. By doing this, we can be quiet and attain true peace of mind.

I use to be able to do this, my mind is wild these days.  I feel like scratching my brain out of my head at times just to get it to quite down.   I do not sleep and I barely eat.  Even when I am asleep my mind is continually going.  I need some quite time…  This is another reason why I have not done much creation, much art. 

I am working on being back in sync mentally, physically and spiritually – but until then my posts may be a bit scarce – I will post as I can. 





Main (ST)udios To Host Infringement 2013 Festival Opening Reception

July 26, 2013 6 -9pm!

Buffalo, NY 14203 – July 26, 2013 –   Buffalo Infringement Festival Annual art show is once again being kicked off from July 25 through August 4, and Main (ST)udios will be hosting the exhibit from July 18, for any who would like a sneak peek, through August 4th.  There will be an opening reception on July 26th from 6-9 pm open free to all the public!

Buffalo Infringement Festival 2013 and Main (ST)udios opening reception will be open to the public free of charge.  There will be everything from 2d art to Infringing on Fashion show which will show the different aspect of fashion art. There will also be refreshments and the local artist will be on hand to greet visitors and answer any questions.

For more information please feel to contact Main (ST)udios Gallery/Artists’ manager Erica Eichelkraut at:  (716) 866-6603 or info@mainstudiosbuffalo.com  You can also find more information here: http://mainstudiosbuffalo.com/ or http://infringebuffalo.org/

He Marches To A Different Drummer:

I was sitting at my wife’s doctor office I was waiting for her and letting my mind roam and my pen move across he journal I had with me, I ended up starting an autobiography. So, I am going to post a very rough draft here for you to have first peek at and give me your opinion.

****  He Walks To A Different Drummer *****

From time I was ike looking through a cloudy dream born to the time I was about six my memories are like looking through a cloudy dream state. I only get glimpses here and there, but most of what I know of my younger years is due to having two very good story tellers for parents for parents.

My mother; Marjorie Louise, a published writer and my father; Leslie Charlies (Levi), an oral story teller of the old style.  My mother worked for newspapers, and had stories published in magazines an anthologies. My father was one who could talk for hours and tell you a story several different ways.

The first few chapters will be a mixture between those cloudy memories and the stories I grew up hearing my parents tell.  How I was unafraid of anything, and I was curious about everything, which mixed together to make for a very good but challenging life from birth to 6 years.

I was the youngest of 5 children – 2 older sisters, one being 9 years older then I was and the other my Irish twin only being 13 months older, and 2 older brothers one being 8 and the other being 7 years older then I.  So, when mother went into labor with me, my father was told that he was going to have to choose, my mother or the baby (me).  The doctors did not think they were going to be able to save both of us.  My father of course choose my mother, after all they had 4 other children at home!

However, this was the first of a very long road for my guardian angel, and s/he was watching over me that day, June 20, 1967.  My mother and I both came out of the labor room ALIVE!  I had to be rushed to an “Oven” and be given oxygen ad I was literally a blue baby, but I was alive!  The bumpy, challenging life didn’t end here, this was only the beginning, and the next bump in this journey wasn’t as far away as my mother and father would hope for unfortunately.

Again my guardian angel had to be very close and watching like a hawk.  Because, I was born with various “strawberry birthmarks” on my head and forehead.  My mother some how knew that two of those marks were NOT birthmarks that they were something much more dangerous.  My mom finally convinced the doctors to have a look at these flat reddish marks on my head.  It turned out the red marks on my head was indeed not birthmarks but blood tumors that was growing inward and feeding off the main artery in my brain.  They agreed the best treatment would be to surgery remove the tumors. So at six weeks old I went under the knife and my Guardian Angel once again watched over me.

I Have Been WonderGhosted!

I hung out with a friend, another artist, for awhile this afternoon.  We ran a few errands, I showed him my studio and he tried on my black feathered wings (that I have at my studio).  That is when the real fun began.  What do you think is going to happen when two deep thinking artist get together?  LOL Light hearted art of course!!

Video Portfolio



I have created a video portfolio and wanted to post it here for your viewing pleasure and asking my blogging readers how they felt about an art newsletter. Would you be interested in me putting out a newsletter? Monthly or quarterly? In the newsletter I would post links to interesting sites about art world wide, art blogs, marketing information for artist and other helpful information for artist and art community. If you would be interested in such a newsletter please send me your email to trinityhawkphoto@hotmail.com or reply to this post with your email and the subject ” Art Newsletter”.

I await your response