New Name, A New Look:

New Name, Art On A Dollar, needs a new look!  So, I have done an overhaul of the site and also have become an affiliate of Dick Blick art site! What does that mean for you the followers and viewers of this blog? It means that every week we will be posting a special promo code just for you!  It will be posted over near our donation link and here in our blog postings.

Dick Blick Affiliate weekly promo code this week is:  wklypromo020518  So if you click the Dick Blick link and use the code wklypromo020518 you will be taken to their special page that holds specials that are from 35% to 61% off and use the code listed and I get a percentage back as well.

I am hoping a lot more changes are coming in the near future both here on this site and in my life, which I will be sharing with you.

My next piece to the series of Deadly Sin paintings is ready to hit the easel and have next layer painted!


…And We Are Back!

We Are Back…Life has been a merry-go-round for awhile now, with lots of ups and downs, round and rounds.

Life has been a merry-go-round for awhile now, with lots of ups and downs, round, and rounds.  We lost our studio, ended up with a smaller one, lost that one, ended up living in a motel for a month, moved into a wonderful place (where we are now), health issues have constantly bugged me, we gained a great niece, lost a grand-daughter to heaven, and recently our daughter and grand-boo have moved away to another state.  OH yeah, and my lights and backdrops have gone MIA and so I am trying to regroup where that is concerned. But with all this up and downs I have been still creating art, have set up a site where I have been designing high fashion clothing that is created from my own fine art and paintings.


However, I have been working on updating my Flickr site and my YouPic site.  I also, of course, have my portfolio set up on Facebook.  Feel free to go over to any of these sites and follow me so that you can get updates right away, otherwise, I will send you updates through my blog.  I also have a blog on YouPic which they had just added and I intend to keep it very informal and site based.


I haven’t just been laying low as life has been swirling around, I have continued to work
with local photographer, Cheryl Gorski, to produce some different styles of Fine Art products until I can re-group where my own lighting and backdrops are concerned. You can see some of my collaboration works here. I also have been working with her to keep her site updated and her fashion photography img_4716posted.

I have been working on setting our home which has three stories, bedroom area, living room area, and studio/basement area This place is much larger than the last two places we have had in the 7-years we have lived in Buffalo, NY.   During this time, I must be honest I also have enjoyed having an actual back yard this Spring and Summer.  I was able


During this time, I must be honest I also have enjoyed  having an actual back yard this Spring and Summer.  I was able to have people over for a house warming party, I had my Grand-boo over several times before they moved away.  I sat outside in the mornings and evenings just enjoying the weather and watching nature, distressing.  Nothing better than watching Nature and feeling soft breezes helps one distress.



Happy Modern Mother’s Day

I wish everyone a Happy Modern Mother’s Day. What do I mean by this? Will there are so many other types of mother’s than female gendered mother’s who are married and give birth to their children.  There are those who are single parents, gay fathers who are in the mothers role, divorced father’s who play both roles, as well as, the traditional mothers. All these mothers made up what a modern day Mother’s Day looks like in the 21st-century world.

I do have friends who are upset with this way of thinking, they feel mothers are getting the short end of the stick. Because they say Mothers have their days and Fathers have their day that they shouldn’t be blending the days.  However, just like Mother’s Day, there are also female gendered “fathers” on Father’s Day that should be wished a Happy Father’s Day, as well.  So, it isn’t just a one-way street.

Anyone who does the mother’s duties should be granted the rights to be wished a Happy Mother’s Day.   I was a single father for my daughter from the time she was 6 yrs old and she has been wishing me a Happy Mother’s day since she was 7.

So to all the mothers, motherly fathers, adopted mothers, and furbaby mothers I hope you have a very happy Mother’s Day.

We Moved!!

Trinityhawk Photography & Multimedia Are Moving!

TrinityHawk Photography & Multimedia moved across town!

That is right TrinityHawk Photography & Multimedia  are sitting up shop in a larger studio, and have a new film Motirola vintage camera, which I am planning to do some black and white projects.

I have already started sitting into motion a Environment surreal photo project!  In this project I will be making visual commentary about how the human race is effecting the Earth and our connection to nature.


So, keep an eye out as this project comes together I will post examples here for you to see.

Also, don’t for get to check out my Facebook page, as there has been some changes. If you haven’t liked my page be sure to like it.

Peace & Blessings

J Is For Joker


Digital computer painting created in Photoshop CC – All Rights Reserved: TrinityHawk Photography & Multimedia.

You can see some of my art products here:

Also offering a special:  Deck out your device with 15% off smartphone cases & laptop skins. Use code DEVICE15.

My Art Facebook is here:

Come have a look and like my page.  Let me know you have been there and leave me a comment.  I handle everything personally and will be happy to comment back to you.

I maybe setting up an Etsy and/or Ebay site soon, I let you know when this occurs.

Busy – Busy – Busy ME …..

I have been very busy these past few weeks. 
I know I have missed some updates on this blog and I haven’t done a lot of work on the website, I need to get on that!  
I have been busy baby sitting my new grand daughter, going to some doctor appointments, entering photography contests (and yes have won a few I will be posting those shortly), and I also have started a new magazine “Sweet Sexy Curves”.   I will also be posting about that.  This post is about being BUSY and how to stay organizes (which I am not LOL).
Thanks to a person I follow and admire greatly I found a new web site I am following and hope to join that will help me become for organized:
Come check it out – join – and get more organized yourself! 
Check me out as I will be posting more about those art contests and about the magazine!
 BTW:  We are looking for editorial writers to write articles on BBW and BHM subjects for the new magazine to get in at ground level.   If your interested please contact me at

Photography Compostion:

7 Basic Photography Composition Tips By: Peter Bang

The above link is to a wonderful blog entry on Bloglovin about composition – two main things that are most important when taking a photo, in no particular order:

1. Composition and 2. Lighting

1. Lighting and 2. Composition

Keep those two things in mind when forming your photograph in your mind and your photography no matter what you are shooting with will improve drastically.

1. Lighting:

Should the light be behind the subject or should the light be behind the photographer? – Where should the light be when taking photographs? Always think while visualizing you photograph, visualize where is the light, where should the light be with in this photograph, to get the effect I want to get.

2.  By definition, composition is purposeful arrangement of elements.

Learning to compose your photos can dramatically improve your photographs even when using your cell phone, point and shoot camera, DSLR, or whatever camera you have.

When you start to take a picture, everything you see in your viewfinder should serve a purpose.  Moving subject or camera to find a different angle, framing your image differently in the viewfinder, or what ever to get the right composition.

One of the most basic principles in any visual art, not just photography, is, the rule of thirds.

Imagine there are tic-tac-toe lines over your image. Two lines horizontally, and vertically so the image is divided into thirds horizontally and vertically.

The general rule is that the important objects, subjects or elements should be placed where the lines intersect or along the lines, in other words not dead center of the photo.

If it’s a portrait, the person’s head should not be in the middle of the image. The person’s eyes should be on or slightly above the top horizontal line.

The purpose of using the rule of thirds is to balance the image, and make it pleasing to the eyes.

If you’re starting out, your tendency might be to place your subject in the center because that’s where the camera’s focus point is. But since you just learned that you should off-center subjects, you should now move the focus point to any of the off-centered ones.

There’s an easy way to move your focus point around. Each camera has a different way of moving the focus point, so as I teach, always – always – always, read your manual and get to know your camera.

Also remember a very important fact, those focus points on your camera are not placed according to the rule of thirds. So, you will still have to figure this out in your mind while compromising your photograph with this technique.   One of the focus compromising techniques you can use is to focus on the part you want focused, keep the shutter button half pressed, then compose and frame how you want your image to be.

A professor in college said to me: “You need to know the rules, to be able to break them.”  So, remember this when you are  striving for technical perfection, and remember that following rules too strictly can lead to producing boring images. You need to add some of your own personality into each and ever photograph.

Until next time keep taking those photographs, get to know your camera, be welling to play, and know your camera
Trinton “TrinityHawk” Garrett

Brand NEW website Blog!!!

Come one = Come all!!! Come see the brand new website and the website blog.

The website is not finished it is very rough and in the making – but I have made the first post in the website blog!!This-is-the-title-of-your-first-image-post/colb/1


Let me know what you think of the site, blog etc. I love to hear from  you!